Drowsy Driving: 5 Surprising Statistics

Drowsy Driving: 5 Surprising Statistics

Millions of Americans get behind the wheel each day with coffee in hand. Whether they are commuting to the office, on a long road trip or simply in need of some caffeine to wake up, people rely upon coffee and energy drinks to keep them alert while driving....
Why Does Traffic Happen?

Why Does Traffic Happen?

We’ve all been there: cruising along the highway, the wind in our hair, when a sudden slowing of traffic occurs seemingly out of nowhere. Though we’ve all sat through our fair share of traffic jams, few people realize exactly why they happen in the first place. On a...
How to Make Your Teen a Better Driver

How to Make Your Teen a Better Driver

We all want the best for our kids. From the day our children are born, we dutifully shop for the safest cribs, hunt for quality daycare and do all we can to raise them right. Of course, the challenge gets harder with age: it’s no longer about buying a top-rated car...
Products To Help Make Your Commute Safer

Products To Help Make Your Commute Safer

Comfort behind the wheel can be both a blessing and a curse. While it’s good to be calm and in control while driving, it’s when we become too comfortable that we lapse into bad habits. There’s no time of day that exemplifies this better than the average commute. Most...
How Car Safety Technology Has Changed Over Time

How Car Safety Technology Has Changed Over Time

You might not believe it, but there’s never been a safer time to be a motorist or passenger. While car accidents are still all too common, they result in fewer injuries and deaths as safety technology continues to evolve. Though we have a ways to go in preventing...