Sep 2, 2022 | Auto Accident Insurance Claims, Car Accident Claims
You were injured in a car accident. Are your medical bills covered by auto insurance? If so, what do you need to do in order to secure coverage? Here’s what you need to know. Coverage for medical bills is one of the most-important aspects of auto insurance....
May 4, 2022 | Auto Accident Insurance Claims, Car Accident Settlements
For most people, conversations with auto insurance companies surround monthly premiums, quotes, and coverage. Only after a collision do these conversations become more substantive. Suddenly, the chats about price comparisons and quotes feel like poor preparation for...
Nov 3, 2018 | Auto Accident Insurance Claims, Car Accident Claims
For most of us, owning a car is a fact of life. Americans traveled more than two billion miles in their vehicles in 2017. Another fact of life if you drive a car is to pay for auto insurance. Most people simply look for the cheapest policy they can and leave it at...
Jul 24, 2018 | Auto Accident Insurance Claims, Car Accident Claims
Let’s all admit it: car insurance just isn’t very exciting. No matter your background, your hobbies, or your interests, most people can agree that car insurance just isn’t something to spend much time thinking about. Though seemingly harmless, this collective...
Nov 10, 2017 | Auto Accident Insurance Claims, Car Accident Claims
Someone Hit My Car, Whose Insurance Do I Call? The scenario is all too familiar: you’re going about your day when you suddenly find yourself involved in an accident. When someone hits your car, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the stress of the collision. On top of...