How much compensation will I get for a fractured pelvis?

Let’s say you have been involved in a car accident and now you have suffered a pelvic or hip injury due to the negligence of others. Now you are left suffering from a painful car accident injury, a lengthy recovery, missing work and also left having to deal with major...

How much is a broken femur worth?

As with most injuries, car accident settlement amounts for a leg break fluctuate depending on several different factors. Broken femurs are pretty serious injuries with a lengthy recovery time and almost always requiring surgery. These breaks are extremely painful as...

What is traumatic bursitis?

Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a small fluid-filled sac that lubricates and cushions between the bones, tendons and muscles surrounding your joints, reducing rubbing and friction. Bursitis generally happens when motions are repeated such as...

How much compensation will I get for a broken hip?

If you suffered from a broken hip injury in a car accident, you are entitled to receive compensation for your injuries from the at fault driver. If another driver is responsible for your hip injury, the best way to ensure that you get as much compensation as possible...