I Was Rear Ended… Now What?

I Was Rear Ended… Now What?

I Was Rear Ended – Now What? Even the best drivers find themselves involved in an accident. No matter how defensively you might drive, there is little you can do to prevent a rear-end collision. Often attributed to distracted driving, inattentiveness and...

Rear End Collision Settlement Examples

Rear End Collision Settlement Examples: The Washington Post estimates that every year, rear-end collisions total about 1.7 million. A number of factors go into determining who is at fault in these situations. More often than not, the fault goes to the driver of the...
Do Car Accident Claims Expire?

Do Car Accident Claims Expire?

So a careless driver t-boned your car in a busy intersection, causing you serious injuries and major damage to your vehicle. You agree to let the driver pay for your damages directly, without filing with the insurance company so they don’t get their rates hiked. But...