Leg Injury Car Accident Settlements

Leg Injury Car Accident Settlements
Knee, ankle and leg injuries are fairly common in car accidents. So what are the different types of leg injuries? If you have suffered a broken leg, ankle or knee injury, what can you expect in potential car accident compensation?
The purpose of this article is to give you an overview of car accident leg injuries involving the leg, ankle and knee, as well as the average car accident settlement amounts for leg and knee injuries. After you review this information, it is a good idea to consult with a personal injury attorney to review your specific claim.
Leg, Knee and Ankle Injury Overview
If you are ever in an auto accident, it is always important to remember that documentation is crucial. Take pictures of your vehicle and of your person if possible. Exchange contact and insurance information with any other drivers involved, and talk to any potential witnesses. Even if your injuries seem minor, you should always see a doctor as soon as possible – Some car accident leg injuries are not always obvious immediately after an accident.
Some of the symptoms that you may notice that indicate a leg injury after a car accident:
- Sensitivity and tenderness
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Soreness
- Loss range of motion
- Locking, ripping or popping sensation
- Bones appear to be bulging
Injuries to the leg and knee are frequent in car accidents. They are particularly serious in many head-on and T-Bone car accidents. The violence of such accidents can cause the leg and its assorted parts to be crushed, twisted or stretched in an unnatural manner.
Knees, ankles and feet contain at least 60 bones that may be damaged in a car accident. The leg contains a variety of bones, from small and delicate structures to some of the strongest and hardest to break bones in the body. Leg injuries are extremely painful and can take a long time to heal. They are also very expensive to treat and typically require extensive physical therapy. People with serious leg, ankle and knee injuries can face a long term or even permanent disability.
Some common car accident injuries to these parts of the body are:
- Broken bones: High speed, violent car crashes can cause the knee and/or foot to smash into the steering wheel or floor of the vehicle. They can also be crushed by the frame of your vehicle if the impact is severe. This can cause a shattering of various parts of the leg, such as the kneecap, femur, ankle or foot bones. Immobilization of the knee might be needed to heal fractures, but if any bones are shattered then surgery is likely required.
- Strains and sprains: The ankle and knee are very susceptible to a strain or sprain. These occur when they are twisted or otherwise manipulated unnaturally in a motor vehicle accident. Soft tissue injuries can affect ligaments, cartilage, muscles and tendons that connect the bones in the leg, ankle, knee and foot.
- Torn meniscus: This knee injury can be caused by a twisting of the knee joint or bending it unnaturally. This can be a long-term injury that affects mobility. Sometimes simple treatments such as ice and elevation are enough to heal a torn meniscus but in severe cases surgery is required.
- ACL or MCL tear: The anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament are vital to the integrity of the knee and can be torn in a car accident. If a ligament tears in the crash, you may hear a popping and followed by pain and swelling. The knee will not be able to bear much weight and will be unstable from side to side. These tears often require surgery and take months to heal.
- Dashboard knee: The knee is close to your dashboard. It is common for the knee to hit the dashboard in major accidents. This can cause your shin bone to push upwards and tear the PCL or posterior cruciate ligament.
- Amputations: In extreme cases, car accidents can lead to necessary amputations of a leg. Both partial and full amputations of the leg are very serious and have lifelong effects.
There are many other serious injuries that may affect your legs, knees and ankles. You could have serious cuts or bruises, burns, puncture wounds. Any injury to your legs will be painful and has the potential to affect your daily life and possibly your ability to work.
Leg Injuries Are Not Always Obvious After a Car Accident
It is not uncommon for pain and discomfort to show up days or even a long time after an auto accident. Regardless of whether you are not showing signs or experiencing any leg or knee injuries immediately, calf or thigh injuries may be present. Your leg is made up of many muscles, ligaments and tendons that can become torn or burst in the event of a motor vehicle accident leaving victims to experience pain in the leg. In the event that you are experiencing leg pain following an accident, do not delay receiving treatment. Delaying treatment can result in your injuries unsuccessfully healing leaving you with a lifetime of recurring aggravation.
What’s Included in a Leg Injury Settlement After a Car Accident?Â
Serious injuries to your leg in a car accident may make it very difficult or impossible to walk or to put any weight on your legs. In less severe accidents, you may need to avoid putting weight on the leg for weeks. Serious car accident injuries could necessitate the use of a cast, surgery, prescription drugs, physical therapy and steroid injections to reduce pain and swelling.
These treatments for such severe lower body injuries are expensive. This is especially the case for leg, knee and ankle injuries that are permanent. Such severe injuries will not allow you to fully recover your health and income earning ability you had before the accident. If the accident was the fault of another person, he or she should have to help you deal with medical costs.
The person or persons who caused your leg, knee or ankle injuries can be held responsible in civil liability court for the cost of your injuries. This simply means the person could have to compensate you in some or these ways:
- Your medical costs and all bills related to the leg injuries.
- All your lost wages. If you had to take off work or use your sick and vacation time, you should be compensated for this. For many workers, foot, ankle, leg and knee injuries have long-term or permanent implications on their ability to work and earn a living. You could be entitled to compensation for the wages you will lose over your lifetime.
- Compensation for your pain and suffering. Depending upon the injury and amount of pain and suffering, you could be entitled to several times the amount of your medical bills and lost wages. Most insurance companies and juries use a multiplier to determine the degree of pain and suffering compensation. This number usually is from 1-5 and is multiplied by your fixed injury costs. This includes both physical and mental pain and suffering.
Leg Injury Settlements In Motorcycle Accidents
Sadly, some of the most catastrophic leg injuries occur when a motorcycle rider gets hit by a car or truck. Because of the lack of protection offered to motorcyclists in general, and to their legs in particular, when a car hits a motorcycle the results can be devastating. In most motorcycle accidents the leg is either crushed between the bike and the ground, or the bike and another car. In scenarios where the rider is thrown from the motorcycle, leg injuries can occur upon hitting the ground with force, causing broken bones, torn ligaments, and massive cuts and bruising. Â
Because of the scope of the damage done to a riders legs in a crash, motorcycle accident settlements involving leg injuries can be a lot higher than the average leg injury settlement in a car accident.Â
Average Settlement Amounts For Car Accident Leg & Knee Injuries
The amount of your auto accident settlement will vary based upon many factors. It’s very hard to nail down an average settlement amount for leg injuries suffered in car accidents because of the wide range of injuries that are possible, as well as the circumstances surrounding the individual injured in the crash. For example, a sprained ankle that happens to an office worker who won’t miss work will probably have a relatively low payout, whereas a torn ACL that requires surgery and months of rehab will have a much larger settlement amount. This is especially true of a high earner who is required to stand for long periods of time, like a surgeon or other doctor. Â
However, some recent information by Jury Verdict Research sheds some light on knee injury lawsuit settlements:
- The average verdict amount in a serious knee injury case was $359,000
- The median knee injury verdict was $114,000
- In 8% of knee injury cases reviewed, the verdict was more than $1 million
Of course, how ‘severe’ is defined is variable. Verdict Research states that ‘severe’ is a knee fracture, knee dislocation, knee replacement, or aggravation of a prior injury to the knee. Approximately 50% of the knee injury cases reviewed were car accidents, and the other half were other types of personal injuries, such as premises liability cases. Knee injuries are very common in slip and fall cases.
Jury Verdict Research does not offer information about the average knee injury lawsuit verdict or settlement for car accidents. But the median verdict for a car accident knee injury was $94,400. The range in these cases was $26,000 to $216,000. That is a very wide range, and your verdict amount could be at either end of the range.
Below is more interesting information for average knee injury settlements, according to Verdict Search:
- Collisions in intersections have average knee injury verdicts of $70,700.
- Pedestrian knee injury verdicts had a median verdict of $150,000.
- Rear end crash knee injuries have a verdict median of just $9000 in the Verdict Research cases reviewed. This is because there are not a lot of knee injury cases in rear end crashes. Some of the claims involve a preexisting injury, which means these are tough legal cases to win.
Actual Leg Injury Settlement Example – Jennifer in Houston, Texas
Car Accident Facts
On June 9, 2021 I was driving to the grocery store in my 2020 Honda Accord in Houston Texas. It was around 7:00 p.m. and the sun just went down. The weather was clear and dry and I came to a complete stop at the intersection of Maple & Durango Street. The light turned green and I began moving forward when suddenly and without notice a white Range Rover rear ended me on the right rear corner of my vehicle. As a result of the impact, my car spun out and I crashed into the center divider in the roadway causing my injuries and damages.
Leg/Knee Injuries Suffered in the Auto Accident
Immediately after the crash I began experiencing the onset of pain and discomfort in my left knee and leg. The force and intensity of the impact caused the drivers side door to crush my leg. Fortunately, I was able to exit my vehicle and walk to the side of the roadway. The car next to me witnessed the crash so they pulled over and called 911. My left knee and leg pain was severe, so I took a seat on a bench while waiting for the ambulance and police to arrive. My left leg and knee pain was burning ,sharp, and stiff. I felt like I was going to collapse if I put any weight on my left leg. Within five minutes, the paramedics, fire department, and police were on scene. Since I was having significant pain in my left knee and leg, the paramedics transported me to Houston Hospital for treatment of my injuries.
Upon arrival to the emergency room, I was evaluated by the on call physicians. I had cuts, abrasions, and swelling to my left leg and knee. My pain levels were 8-9/10 and I was given an injection of Tramadol for pain. The police arrived at my bedside shortly after and took my statement. The officers advised that the witness also gave them a statement and they placed the driver that rear-ended me 100% at fault for the crash. The doctors ordered a CT scan of my left knee and X-ray of my left leg. The impressions revealed the following:
           Left Knee CT:
- Meniscus tear of left knee with mild to moderate subcutaneous edema and swelling seen.Â
           Left Leg X-ray:
- Normal Left leg
After the imaging studies were complete, the doctors let me know that I suffered a meniscus tear to my left knee and that was the root source of my pain. They gave me an Ace bandage and dispensed crutches. I was prescribed Norco for pain and instructed to follow up with an Orthopedic specialist in 1-2 days.     Â
I went home and rested, however it was difficult to find a comfortable position in bed due to my pain and knee brace. I was finally able to fall asleep, however I woke up throughout the night due to severe pain and discomfort in my left knee. The following morning, I took the day off work and called an Orthopedic specialist near my home to setup an appointment.
Later that day, I presented to Dr. Hami, M.D., an orthopedic specialist in Houston Texas for treatment of my injuries. Luckily, the emergency room provided me with copies of my left knee CT and left leg X-ray which I provided to Dr. Hami for his review. At this time, my left knee pain was progressively worsening. I could not walk or bear weight on my left leg/knee and was unable to complete my activities of daily living. There was swelling, stiffness, and tightness to my left knee. Dr. Hami recommended that I begin a course of Chiropractic therapy and prescribed me with medication to help my pain and inflammation. He instructed me to return for a follow up in two weeks.
Three days later, I presented to Outback Chiropractic in Houston Texas for treatment of my injuries. The chiropractor hooked me up to a TENS unit which provided electrical stimulation to my muscles and helped decrease pain. At this time, my pain levels were 7-8/10. I felt left knee pain, weakness, and stiffness. I was still unable to bear weight on my left knee and using crutches to ambulate. I continued treatment here for approximately two weeks prior to returning to Dr. Hami, M.D. for my Orthopedic follow-up.
I presented to Dr. Hami for a follow up on June 24, 2021 for treatment of my injuries. My pain levels were still 7-8/10 and my knee pain was constant and sharp throughout the day. Dr. Hami examined me and recommended that I undergo a steroid injection to the left knee for pain management. I decided to move forward with the injection which provided me with significant pain relief for about one week. Unfortunately, my pain and symptoms continued to worsen.
I returned to Dr. Hami, M.D. for a follow up visit, post steroid injection on June 29, 2021. At this time, I was still ambulating with crutches and experiencing significant difficulty completing my activities of daily living such as cooking, cleaning, and moving throughout the house. It was painful for me to drive and all I wanted to do was rest. I had been consistently icing my left knee and leg, along with utilizing pain medication. I was instructed to change my Ace bandage once a week which provided compression to my left knee. The Ace bandage helped my pain, however my pain was still sharp, achy, and throbbing throughout the day. Dr. Hami recommended a second steroid injection to my left knee which I decided to move forward with the same day since the first injection provided me with significant short-term pain relief. After the injection, I returned home and rested. Dr. Hami recommended that I return in two weeks for a follow up and begin a course of physical therapy.
A few days later, I presented to Tumbleweed Physical Therapy in Houston Texas. The goal of physical therapy was to decrease pain and help improve my active range of motion in my left knee. I was recommended to complete a full course of physical therapy 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks. At first, physical therapy was extremely painful, however as time went on, the therapy provided me with some much needed pain relief.
I returned to Dr. Hami, M.D. for a follow-up visit and my pain levels had decreased to 6-7/10. Dr. Hami examined me and provided a refill of my pain medication. Since physical therapy was providing me with significant pain relief, he recommended that I complete the full course of treatment and return for a follow-up upon completion. Dr. Hami also let me know that I could return for a third left knee steroid injection if my pain persisted after completing physical therapy.
I continued with physical therapy treatment 2-3 times a week for 6 weeks. I was slowly regaining my left knee range of motion and felt increased left knee strength. I began walking on my own without crutches, and was able to bear weight on my left knee and leg. My pain levels had subsided to a 4-5/10. I was still unable to exercise, however I began taking daily walks for 20-30 minutes each day which assisted in regaining my strength and active range of motion. I was discharged from physical therapy with instructions to follow up for a final appointment with Dr. Hami.
I returned to Dr. Hami, M.D. for my final appointment on July 30, 2021. At this time, I still had occasional pain and discomfort to my left knee and leg, especially when exercising or standing for prolonged periods of time. Dr. Hami recommended that I continue with a home exercise program and take 500 mg Tylenol as needed for pain. Dr. Hami discharged me from his care and advised that I could return for a third left knee steroid injection if I had a significant pain flare up.
Negotiation & Settlement
Shortly after the crash, the insurance adjuster from State Farm Insurance Company called and advised that they accepted 100% liability for the accident. The insurance adjuster let me know that the at fault driver carried policy limits of $100,000 per accident. This was a significant relief and the reason why I decided to get all of the medical care and treatment that I knew I required. The cost of each left knee steroid injection alone was $7,500, so I knew that my medical bills would be high.
I collected all of my medical bills/records from the emergency room, ambulance, chiropractor, physical therapist, and Dr. Hami. My total medical bills were $35,000. Since I was done with treatment it was time to send a demand letter to State Farm to be compensated for my injuries. I sent a demand letter to the insurance adjuster and requested $90,000 to settle my case. I made sure to include all of the medical records and billing from the doctors that treated me, along with the police report and photos of my car.
I summarized my medical care and treatment and let the adjuster know how much pain and suffering I sustained as a result of the other drivers negligence. I also included the recommendation from Dr. Hami for the steroid injection if I had a significant flare up of pain. I gave the insurance company 10 days to respond to the settlement demand letter. One week later (3 days before my demand was going to expire), the State Farm adjuster called me and made an initial settlement offer of $50,000 for my leg injuries.
This was not a bad offer considering my medical bills were $35,000, however I felt like my case was worth more. I called the adjuster and provided a counter-offer for $85,000. They rejected my counter and increased the amount of the leg injury settlement offer to $65,000. I told the adjuster that I was rejecting the offer and could provide a final counter to settle my case for $75,000. The adjuster accepted and sent me a settlement release for my signature. I signed the release and my check was delivered in the mail 5 days later.
Motorcycle knee injury payouts, as you may imagine, are often higher because the damage is more severe. The median verdict in such cases was $191,000, with a range of $83,000 to $287,000. For those who have suffered a knee, leg or ankle injury on a motorcycle, it is significant to remember that juries tend to be biased against motorcyclists. That is why you should retain a very experienced and effective personal injury attorney in such a case.
For ankle and foot injuries, Verdict Search has found the average verdict amount is $700,000, with a median amount of $100,000. Experts note that ankle and foot injuries are complicated because of the amount of weight that is placed on that part of the body. It is common for insurance adjusters and juries to not understand the severity of such injuries. Thus, it is incumbent upon your attorney to make them understand the degree of your injury and disability.
Leg Injury Settlement Calculator:
Do you think you may be entitled to a broken leg compensation payout? Find out how much financial compensation you may be legally entitled to in just minutes with our free online Auto Accident Settlement Calculator.
A Final Look at Leg Injuries After a Collision
It is common in a serious car accident for the insurance company and defense attorney to argue that your x-rays and various medical tests only reveal ‘minor’ leg, ankle and knee injuries. Some of these injuries may look relatively minor, but a good personal injury attorney will be able to clearly illustrate with medical proof for the jury or insurance company that you have suffered a substantial injury. The key to getting a fair leg injury settlement after a car accident is to keep accurate and complete medical records, medical test results and strong evidence to show that your injuries have caused major changes to your day to day life. Just be aware that defense lawyers and insurance companies want to discount your car accident leg injuries and payout as little as possible in your settlement. It helps to get a good personal injury attorney on your side.
Leg and Knee Injury Settlements
It is not uncommon for pain and discomfort to show up days or even a long time after an accident. Regardless of whether you are not showing signs or experiencing any injuries immediately, calf injuries may be present. Your leg is made up of muscles, ligaments and tendons that can become torn or burst in the event of a motor vehicle accident. This may leave victims to experience pain in the calf area. In the event that you are experiencing leg pain following an accident, do not delay receiving treatment. Delaying treatment can result in your injuries unsuccessfully healing leaving you with a lifetime of recurring aggravation.
After the settlement has been reached, how long until my t bone accident settlement check arrives?
A major question for people injured in a T-bone accident is when their settlement check will arrive. They probably have a lot of medical bills and lost earnings to contend with, so the sooner the check gets there, the better. It is important to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer in this case so you can get your check expedited.
Generally, there are three reasons your t bone accident settlement check might take longer to arrive than you wish:
- Factual or legal issues with your case. The defense could content your whiplash injury is not very serious and you should not be compensated to the level you wish.
- T bone accidents tend to be severe and involve large sums of money; the insurance company will probably be contentious.
- You still are receiving treatment for injuries from the T-bone accident. It is best to wait until maximum medical resolution is met before settling. If you fail to do so, you could have much more serious injuries than you thought and not enough money to handle them.
There is no exact formula on when you can receive your settlement check for your leg injury. If you desire a settlement check from a car insurance company quickly, you should work with a good attorney in your state for the best results.
Generally, there are three major reasons settlements for leg injuries can take longer than you like:
- There can be factual or legal contentions in the case. The defense could argue your leg injury is not as serious and thus you should not receive as much money for lost wages.
- The leg injury is severe and affects you for years or life, which involves a lot of money.
- You still are getting treatments to your leg from the accident.
Remember generally that insurance companies want to avoid large payouts as much as possible. That is why big injury cases can take years to resolve and for that leg injury settlement check to arrive in the mail.
If you have a car accident with a serious leg injury, it could affect your life and ability to earn a living for weeks, months or years. Here are some simple tips to get more money in your settlement:
- Call 911 and get the police on the scene right away. You want a police report filed of what happened, especially if you are sure the accident was not your fault.
- Use your words carefully. Do not speak to other drivers or passengers in any way that indicates you were at fault. These words could greatly harm your case later.
- Seek medical treatment immediately. Some leg injuries are obvious but others may be hidden. Get to the ER immediately and have your legs checked out by a doctor. The sooner you have your injuries documented, the better of you will be. If you delay treatment, your level of compensation will be affected.
- Gather evidence to support your leg injury claims. Collect all contact info from other passengers and drivers. Take plenty of photos and videos of the accident scene and your injuries. Collect witness statements too that support your version of events.
- Avoid giving recorded statements to the other insurance company. They want to twist your words and make it sound like you are at least partially at fault for the crash. This can substantially reduce your payout.
If the auto insurance company makes an offer for your leg injury, how do you know it is fair? Generally, a reasonable offer can be determined by looking at your economic damages and then use a multiplier to determine your pain and suffering damages. You and your attorney should add up your medical costs, lost wages and out of pocket costs, and then multiply those by a ‘reasonable’ number between 1 and 5. Your attorney can tell you what he thinks a realistic multiplier is. The insurance company may dissent but that is where the negotiation skills of a good attorney come into play.
Generally, if you are dealing with a serious leg injury that involves weeks or months of recovery, trying to get a settlement on your own will result in a low-ball settlement. Get an attorney working at your side for the best possible settlement.
In order to calculate your leg injury settlement, you can use our leg injury settlement calculator that uses a simple formula that consists of adding economic damages together such as:
- Loss of income due to missing work from the injuries you’ve sustained
- Medical bills
- Future medical expenses
- Damages to your car
After totaling up all economic expenses, a multiplier 1-5 is applied for pain and suffering to that sum. The multiplier is determined by how severe the injuries you’ve sustained are with a 1 being less severe on the scale and 5 being extreme. If you sustain injuries that keep you from performing everyday life activities, the multiplier will be a higher number.
Some injuries can appear delayed and among those delayed injures include leg/knee injuries. It is not uncommon after a motor vehicle collision for one to experience delayed leg pain after being thrown forward slamming against the dashboard. In some cases, your body can be in a state of shock and the pain may not appear right away. Although you may not feel pain immediately, do not delay in seeking medical treatment as soon as possible. Once a doctor has examined you, you may be surprised to find out what injuries appear and the severity of those injuries.
There are many different types of knee injuries that you can suffer from. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact amount of compensation you can claim due to the many individual factors involved. The simplest method to figure your knee injury settlement is to utilize our knee injury settlement calculator. For the most part, here’s the recipe that is generally utilized:
Gather the following information and add them all up together
• What type of injury or multiple injuries you have
• Medical expenses
• Wages lost due to inability to work
• Property expenses to damaged car
• Future medical expenses
Once you have added those expenses together, you must factor in the pain value. At that point there’s commonly a multiplier connected to that number on a scale of 1-5, for pain and suffering. On the off chance that the wounds suffered are severe to the point that they will cause continuous torment and additionally disable the victim from performing the day by day life tasks, that number will be higher than situations where the wounds are completely recovered within weeks.
The meniscus is a small piece of cartilage between the shinbone and thighbone that can become torn if pulled or twisted and are not uncommon injuries when involved in a car accident. Any sort of excessive turning or curving of the knee under forceful pressure can result in a torn meniscus. These types of motions are common in car accidents, which is why this type of injury is commonly endured during vehicle mishaps. Unfortunately, this type of injury can cause deep rooted wounds and a lifetime of a difficult healing process due to this specific body part not receiving blood supply at an early age. If you are experiencing knee pain, swelling, popping or a limited range of motion, it would be wise to seek medical attention immediately and call your local attorney. By doing so, you can ensure you have proof documented that you indeed have an injury and are able to receive the highest compensation possible by the help of an attorney.
Knee injuries are the most widely recognized type of injury from being in a collision. After being involved in a car accident knee injuries are very common and extremely painful. They often require surgery, which is expensive, and involve a lengthy recovery time. Do not ignore any pain or symptoms you may be experiencing revolving around your knee. Knee injures are serious and not to be taken lightly. Be sure to include any pain you are experiencing in the police report even if you believe the pain may be temporary. Visit a medical professional to determine exactly what type of injury you may have sustained during the collision.
Yes. It is actually quite common to sustain a knee injury from a head-on collision. It’s possible to sustain knee injuries due to the blunt impact of your knees smashing into the dashboard, steering wheel or seat in front of you. Knee injuries often occur from head-on collisions, rear-end collisions as well as t-bone or side impact crashes. Some symptoms of a knee injury may include:
- Sensitivity and tenderness
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Soreness
- Loss range of motion
- Locking, ripping or popping sensation
- Bones appear to be bulging
If you have been involved in a car accident and you are experiencing knee pain after the force of the impact, it’s probably due to crushing them against the dashboard or steering wheel. Steps to take after being in a car accident and hitting your knee include filing a police report, gathering insurance information, seeking medical attention immediately and contacting a personal injury attorney. There are several types of injuries you can sustain in the event of a car accident. If you happen to hit your knee with great force against the dashboard, it is possible you have endured some of these injuries:
- Posterior cruciate ligament tears– this happens when the knee is bent and hits the dashboard forcing the shinbone to bend back causing the PCL to tear.
- Sprains/strains
- Torn meniscus
- Kneecap dislocation
- Breaks/ factures
If you have been experiencing any pain after a car accident, including knee pain, it is very important you don’t delay and seek out medical attention immediately. Knee and leg injuries are quite common in car accidents and can take a lengthy amount of time to recover. After you have sought out treatment and gathered medical records of your injuries, it would be wise to contact a personal injury attorney to discuss a personal injury claim. Seeking legal advice would be in your great interest in order to receive the full amount of compensation owed. Often, insurance companies will try and weasel out of paying the correct amount in compensation and lowball the victim.
In the unfortunate event you are in an accident causing injuries to your leg, it’s possible you may not be able to return to work for quite some time. Leg injuries may take as little as a month to recovery however, in some severe cases may never fully heal causing a great deal of hardship to the victim. If these injuries disable you from working it’s best you contact a personal injury attorney and find out what options you have to compensate for your lost wages. Victims who are incapable of performing everyday tasks and going to work may qualify for Social Security Disability if the injury is expected to leave you disable for at least 12 months. Short-term disability programs are also available however, only offered in few states such as New York and California. It’s important to talk to your personal injury attorney to find out exactly what you may qualify for.
There is no straight answer when determining how much money you might be owed due to a leg injury sustained from a car accident. It is important to address an accomplished personal injury attorney bender individual to get an estimate of a potential settlement sum for your injured leg, knee or ankle. Many different factors go into deciding the settlement amount such as:
- How serious are the injuries? (Soft tissue or hard)
- How long will these injuries keep you out of work?
- Are you mobile and capable of performing everyday tasks?
- Travel costs
- Medical expenses
- Future medical care costs
- Pain and suffering
- Property damage
- General expenses paid out of pocket
When wounds are more severe and result in long-term difficulties, it is important that an attorney is contacted immediately so the victim may understand exactly what rights they have and what compensation they may be owed. First form of action will be determining who the at-fault party is and how the accident was caused. This will determine who will be liable for compensation owed. Contacting a personal injury attorney is your best option to reassure all of your bases are covered rather than going through insurance companies that are looking to deny your claim or lower your compensation costs. Experienced lawyers will gather medical records and test outcomes to solidify proof and demonstrate that the wounds of the victim some genuine damage and disability. If you have been injured due to an auto accident, you have rights whether or not you were the passenger or the driver.
Auto accidents happen everyday in the U.S. leaving the injured parties to experience an assortment of wounds. Many people think of car accident victims sustaining major head trauma or neck and spinal damage. However, people often forget how easy it is to suffer from leg, foot, hip or ankle injuries from an auto accident. Some common leg injuries include:
- Knee fractures
- Knee dislocation
- Hip dislocation
- Tearing of the ACL
- Ruptured tendons
- Torn meniscus
- Severe twisting and hyperextension of ligaments
- Bone fractures to the tibia
- Thigh fractures to the femur
- Ankle breaks and sprains
- What’s my car accident settlement worth?
- Find out in less than 60 Seconds!
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Understanding the Impact of Extreme Weather on Traffic and Driving Culture
Extreme weather events disrupt daily life. Storms, floods, and excessive heat can cause people to alter everyday activities such as driving. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) found that 21% of accidents and 16% of traffic-related fatalities are due to weather...
How an Aging Population May Affect Roads and Transportation
In the last century, the population of the United States has aged significantly. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 1920, less than one in 20 people were age 65 or older. In 2020, this proportion was one in six. Over time, the aging population has grown in...