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T-Bone Car Accident Demand Letter

T-Bone Car Accident Demand Letter

A t-bone car accident happens when one vehicle strikes another vehicle from the side. This type of accident can be particularly dangerous. A car hitting the side of another car might result in direct impact where someone is sitting.   If you are the victim in a t-bone collision, you likely need compensation to cover your injuries. Sometimes receiving this compensation requires a t-bone car accident demand letter.

How to Assemble A Strong Demand Packet

When you are ready to draft your demand letter, you need to figure out exactly how much you feel owed. Payment for your accident will include your special damages and general damages. 

Your special damages include costs proven with documentation, like medical bills, receipts for over the counter medical supplies, and lost wages. General damages are harder to pin down, as they encompass your pain and suffering. 

It is very important that you collect all documentation related to your accident. Include all of the documents with your demand letter to the insurance company.  

  • Police report
  • Witness statements
  • Any photographs related to the accident

Drafting a Detailed T-bone Car Accident Demand Letter

It takes some time and attention to detail to draft a strong and effective demand letter. Follow these tips when writing: 

  • Make sure to have your letter proofread for grammar and spelling. 
  • It is important to make sure all names and locations are spelled correctly. 
  • Ensure that your addition is correct when totalling up your damages.
  • Use good quality white paper to print on. 
  • Use a blue or black pen to sign your letter. 
  • Send the letter as certified mail.

The demand letter should include: 

  • Statement of facts: This is where you describe the accident in detail. Be sure to mention what you were doing before and at the time of impact.
  • Liability: Explain why the other driver was at fault. 
  • Injuries: Describe all of the injuries that you sustained due to the accident. 
  • Damages: Explain your special and general damages.  

It is important to remember to keep a copy of the letter and all documents included. You may need to reflect back on what you said in the letter during negotiations. 

Sample T-Bone Car Accident Demand Letter

Below is a sample demand letter. This is an example that you can model your demand letter after and send to the at-fault driver’s auto insurance company.

February 10, 2021

VIA FACSIMILE: 800-246-2468

Yorkman Insurance Company
Mr. Jimmy Jamerson
4545 N. Blue Tail Road
Los Angeles, CA 40000

RE:               Your Insured:                      Apple Redford
                    Claimant:                               May Danbury
                    Claim Number:                    2344-22-2222
                    Date of loss:                           August 29, 2020
                    Settlement Demand:          $75,000.00


NOTE: “For Settlement Purposes Only” used on a t-bone car accident demand letter is to prevent responses and negotiations from being later introduced at trial should the parties fail to reach a settlement agreement.

Dear Mr. Jamerson,

This letter shall serve as a representation of damages I suffered after your insured t-boned me at the intersection of 10th Avenue and Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles, California while I was on my way home from work. Miss Redford was driving a large Ford pickup truck and caused substantial damage to my Honda Civic.  The injuries I suffered were severe and required 6 months of medical care and treatment before I was pain free.


No issue of liability surfaces in this matter: On August 29, 2020 I was in my car on my way home from work. I was passing through the intersection of 10th and Wilshire in Los Angeles California when your insured ran a red light and entered the intersection. As you know, he struck my car as I was lawfully traveling through the intersection on a green light and is 100% liable for my injuries and damages.


After the accident I returned home and began experiencing the onset of pain and discomfort throughout my body. The pain was so intense so I took pain medication which slightly helped reduce my symptoms of pain. I attempted to relieve my ailments via the use of home remedies such as hot/cold packs, rest, and over the counter medications. Unfortunately my pain was so severe that I decided to seek professional medical attention for my injuries.

New Spine Chiropractic

Due to my persistent complaints of pain and discomfort throughout my body I presented to New Spine Chiropractic in Harbor City California. At this time I was suffering from severe back pain and discomfort along with neck and left arm pain. The chiropractor examined me and found my cervical spine had tenderness to palpitation. He examined my lumbar spine and found the same. Due to tenderness and muscle spasm, Dr. Jones of New Spine Chiropractic performed x-rays of my cervical spine.

New Spine X-Ray Clinic

Due to my ongoing complaints of neck/back pain and discomfort, Dr. Jones decided to do an X-ray of my cervical spine to better assess the damage done to my spine in the accident. The X-ray revealed the following:

Cervical Spine X-Ray: There is straightening of the normal cervical lordotic curvature causing muscle spasm.

NOTE: It’s always important to put the results of the x-ray in your demand letter to let the insurance adjuster know what kind of injury you suffered. Moreover, this helps the insurance company see evidence that you were injured as a result of their insured’s negligence.

After Dr. Jones reviewed my x-ray, he advised me to continue treatment with him for the next 6 weeks or until my pain was 100% subsided. I had to take off work to make all of my appointments, but nothing is more important than my health so I followed the doctors orders. During the course of my treatment my pain began to subside but the pain was still present. As a result of my injuries I was unable to complete my activities of daily living and even the easiest of tasks caused me serious pain and discomfort.

I continued to treat here until my pain was nearly gone. At this time Dr. Jones dismissed me and instructed me to return for another 6 weeks should my symptoms flare-up or become exacerbated for any reason.

NOTE: Sometimes the insurance company will refuse to pay for a portion of your medical care and try to argue that it wasn’t necessary. This is why it’s important to always have a prescription from your treating doctor if you will be in chiropractic treatment or physical therapy for an extended period of time. This helps the insurance company see that a doctor prescribed you treatment, and you followed the doctors orders and are not just trying to “build up your claim.”


As a direct result of the negligence of your insured, I require 6 weeks of chiropractic future medical care and treatment in the future. I did not ask to be injured and this accident has caused me grave emotional pain and physical suffering. To date, my injuries are not 100% healed and for these reasons, I require $3,500.00 to cover the cost of future medical care and treatment. Had your insured not t-boned me while I was lawfully traveling through the intersection, I would not be sending you this demand. Unfortunately that is not the case and I was injured and require future care.

NOTE: Restating the fact that you wouldn’t be injured if their insured didn’t hit you makes the insurance company see that they are 100% liable for your injuries and damages and will make them more inclined to make you a fair and reasonable settlement offer.


Due to my injuries, I was unable to work for 8 weeks. I have written documentation from Dr. Jones stating that I needed to take time to recover from the injuries I sustained as a result of your insured t-boning my car. During those 8 weeks, I incurred $15,000 in lost wages from my office manager job.

NOTE: Be sure to include a letter from your doctor that states why you were unable to work and for how long. The insurance company may deny your lost wages claim with this.

Current Medical:
New Spine Chiropractic – $3,500.00
New Spine X-Ray Clinic – $1,500.00

Future Medical
6/weeks New Spine Chiropractic – $3,500.00

Lost wages
8 weeks – $15,000

TOTAL: $23,500


The attachments included with this demand will provide you with sufficient documentation to reasonably evaluate this claim. With this in mind, please remember that I was required to miss time from work and was unable to engage in my usual activities with my family as a result of this crash. I also suffered from severe injuries as a result of your insured’s negligence. For these reasons, I am making a demand in the amount of $35,000.00 in exchange for full and final settlement and release of all claims arising from this incident against your insured. Please get back to me no later than March 1, 2021 by 5:00 PM.

NOTE: Make sure that you include the cost of both your special and general damages. A deadline for a response helps indicate how serious you are in your claim, but be prepared for the possibility of entering negotiations with the insurance company.

Very truly yours,

May Danburry

Tel: (214) 333-9999

Finding a T-Bone Car Accident Lawyer

If you need help drafting a demand letter or discussing your options regarding compensation after a t-bone car accident, Lawsuit Info Center can help. Reach out for a risk-free consultation and we can help you get in touch with a lawyer in your area.

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