What’s the Average Payout For Each Grade of Whiplash?

Unlike many other car accident injuries, whiplash injuries are classified by grade of severity, with 0 being almost no injury at all and grade 3 being the most severe whiplash injury possible. As with most car accident settlements, the severity of the injury suffered...

Can you get whiplash from a side impact crash?

Yes, you can get whiplash from a side impact crash or T-bone collision. Whiplash occurs when the victims head and neck is jolted rapidly in a quick forward and reverse motion causing pain, stiffness, headaches and dizziness. Because of the absence of safety features...

Can whiplash be fatal?

Most whiplash injuries are what are considered to be soft tissue injuries. Most whiplash injuries suffered in car accidents are considered mild to moderate injuries. These would be defined as injuries that involve days, weeks or months of discomfort and recovery. But...

How long after a car accident can you claim whiplash injury?

Whiplash is a common neck injury after a car accident. However, filing a claim for compensation for this injury can be problematic. Many insurance companies hold the view that whiplash injuries, which cannot be viewed on x-ray, tend to be exaggerated. As a result of...

Can you get whiplash from being t boned?

Side impact car wrecks are commonly referred to as T-bone accidents. They often have a more severe effect on the body than a frontal or rear end collision. Side impact car accidents kill at least 8000 people per year, more than rear end and frontal collisions...